National Volunteer Week in Canada

National Volunteer Week in Canada
Here are some of our English Café volunteers whom we appreciate and recognize as wonderful conversation partners to our ESL students. Thank you to all of you!

April 23, 2010

The Family

Hi everyone, "The Family" was our last topic at English Café. Various cultures view family members differently. People say in Canada the family isn't as close knit as in many other countries. The reason is because Canadians are more mobile. How do you keep in touch with your relatives?

Some idioms in the English language about the family

* Rule the roost
* Own flesh and blood
* Black sheep
* Make ends meet
* Close-knit
* Bring home the bacon
* The apple doesn't fall far from the tree
* Chip off the old block
* Run in the family
* Rite of passage


  1. I agree with that comment.However in Colombia, my country of origin we try to be in touch every week. Also we meet in our parents home on Sundays to share lunch. Rene

  2. Our family doesn't meet weekly, but we try to get together for birthdays, holidays & other special occasions. Sometimes these occasions can create some conflict so perhaps that's why we don't meet weekly.

  3. I learned an interesting fact about personal space last week. Rural Canadians prefer a larger personal space than urban Canadians. Does the personal space in Canada differ from your country of origin?

  4. I just want to say how much meeting everyone at English Cafe has enriched my life! I really look forward to every Friday we meet. You are all so brave as you learn to live in a totally different country and not just survive, but THRIVE! Thanks for your friendship.

  5. Hi Kelly. Living in Canada is quite different. In Colombia we don't have a real personal space. It means that it is easy to be close to everyone without intimidation. It is also usual to start a meeting with a kiss (just one) and finish it with the same expression. However, it doesn't means that you are able to do whatever you want. Have a supper week and thank you for sharing time with us. Rene
